Robroy Industries donates to Back-to-School Haircuts

As the school year begins, Robroy Industries knows it is important to remember that when students look and feel their best, they will soar with confidence inside the classroom. In an effort to make this happen, the Gilmer Intermediate is working with local barbers and hair dressers to offer Back-to-School Haircuts for our elementary and intermediate students.
While some barbers and hair dressers are offering their time at no cost to the students, others are not. The students we are pushing to attract are those who have never experienced what it is like to get their hair trimmed by a professional and those students who cannot afford to pay for a haircut. Gilmer Intermediate school is asking for a small donation to help with the cost of this initiative. All donations will go towards the expenses of the haircuts. Robroy Industries is proud to support the Gilmer community children as they head back to school. We know they will conquer this school year!