Raceway Division collects Summer necessities for Newgate Mission

The Raceway Division recently held a donation drive to assist Newgate Mission in collecting much needed necessities. Over 150 donations were collected during the drive, including boxed fans, reading glasses, soaps, and shampoos.
“We are so grateful for the donation drive. Without such organized efforts, we would be unable to provide the amount of assistance that we do. The hygiene items are much needed during these high temperature months,” stated Hollie Bruce, Executive Director of the Newgate Mission.
Newgate Mission is dedicated to serving the needs of senior citizens living on a fixed income, veterans, the working poor and the homeless community. Located in Longview, Texas, the mission serves approximately 200 individuals daily, while also providing housing assistance, job readiness, health and hygiene assistance and transportation.
For more information on Newgate Mission, please visit http://www.newgatemission.org/.