Robroy Industries Raceway Division donates to East Texas Yamboree Association

The Raceway Division recently supported the East Texas Yamboree Association during the annual Yamboree Queen’s Race. During the race period, seven young ladies, each from a local service organization, compete for the chance to be crowned by selling the most raffle, pageant, and Barn Dance tickets. The race ran from June 17th – 29th and the Raceway Division bought 36 raffle tickets, for a total donation of $600.
The East Texas Yamboree started in 1935, making it one of the longest running festivals in the state of Texas. The Yamboree hosts over 100,000 attendees each year.
Robroy Raceway Division has previously showed their support for the 82nd East Texas Yamboree by sponsoring the Fiddler’s Contest and purchasing a full-page ad in the East Texas Yamboree brochure. Robroy Industries Raceway Division is proud to support this Gilmer area institution.
The 82nd Yamboree will be held October 17th-19th. For more information, please visit their website at