Holiday Partnership with Gilmer ISD and Buckner Family Hope Center

The holidays are a special time for everyone. Robroy Industries likes to take time to give back to families within the area that are in need. This holiday season, Robroy Industries Raceway Division partnered with Gilmer Independent School District and Buckner Family Hope Center of Longview to supply 2 families, a total of 8 children, with what they needed and wanted this holiday season. Together, associates within the Gilmer and Avinger locations contributed more than $400 and 50 items including toys, clothing and household items for the families. Each family also received a grocery store gift card to provide a holiday meal.
Buckner Family Hope Centers are child-centered, family-focused places where families go to find hope, support and empowerment in their community to reach their fullest God-given potential. The key to the Family Hope Center’s success is found in combining effective programs and passionate people to help families that are experiencing poverty, family issues and lack of services. For more information, please call 903-757-9383 or visit