7th Annual Special Olympics Field Day held in Gilmer

Special Olympic Attendee

On March 29, 2018, Gilmer Kiwanis Club together with the Upshur County Shared Services held its seventh annual Special Olympics Field Day at Jeff Traylor stadium. Athletes from across East Texas came to Gilmer to participate as well as many volunteers from the community. 

Athletes and volunteers are provided with bright colored t-shirts that display the logos of businesses/individuals that have donated time, money or an item to make the event a success. In addition, each athlete receives a bronze, silver or gold medal for the even in which they participate. Lunch is provided for each athlete and volunteer, and the Gilmer Buckeye Band provides music for the athletes to march into the stadium as well as keeping the excitement up throughout the day. The athletes are able to compete against students from neighboring schools in the East Texas area in a variety of events. Robroy Industries Raceway Division gives annually to this event in the hopes that each special athlete gets his or her time to shine.

Upshur County Special Olympics