Robroy Industries Raceway Division provides lunch for area ER and ICU staff.

As COVID-19 ramps up around the country; once again, our healthcare workers are being called to action. With hospital beds full and the nurse-to-patient ratio at an all-time high; our Raceway division felt compelled to help in some way. Last week, they delivered 160 meals to area ER and ICU medical staff at Longview Regional Medical Center and Christus Good Shephard.
Robroy Raceway division is continuously looking for ways to support the community and felt it was important to use a locally owned restaurant to help with this task. Nanny Goats Café and Feed Bin is an East Texas favorite, and they were so easy to coordinate with. These meals provided a much-needed treat for the hospital staff working tirelessly to help those suffering from COVID-19. At Robroy we are always looking for ways to show meaningful appreciation, and providing these meals felt like the least we could do for our healthcare hero’s.